How College Changed My Life

Thinking about college makes me realize that I'm no longer a child. Goodbye childhood!

At first when I was about to make a choice on which institution that I wanted to study at, of course I chose to be in a college that is very near to my house. My alibi was, since it is near to my house, I can get back home anytime that I want, plus I won't be homesick at all, or maybe I can just stay out off campus, where I can travel everyday to college. Hence, I put my best choice of university, which is quite near to my house as my first choice. However, when the admission result came out, I received an offer letter to study in another university which situated about 3 hours journey from my house, and the sad part was, I got rejected to enroll to the university of my choice. :(

The day of registration has arrived, with a very sad feelings, I learned to accept the fact that I got rejected by the university of my choice and also by any of the scholarships that I've applied for, despite of getting straight A's in my SPM. Yup, it's true when people said that it is a tough fight nowadays, where students need to compete among one and another for a spot in getting a scholarship. Yet, I cannot resist the power of REZEKI. I believe that Allah SWT has planned everything for us, and He'll give what's best for His slaves that have always work for it and pray for it.

Time has passed by, and I've completed my two years of foundation studies. Alhamdulillah :)
Every phases that we've gone through in our life will surely left something, for us to look back, and smile and to ponder upon it by taking the 'ibrah' and lessons from it.

College has changed myself a lot! First and foremost,
1. I learned to be more independent. I need to manage my own food, I need to wash my clothes, I need to clean my own partition willingly, and I also need to manage my own transport whenever I want to go back home during weekends and holidays. Everything need to be managed by self. However, I feel very lucky and grateful to have wonderful friends and family to always help whenever I need them and always support and lift me up whenever I feel down.

2. I'm used to travel by myself. I'm a home-y person. I'd rather not spend much on shopping and entertainment as long as I can go back home every weekends. I usually don't have class on Friday, so by Thursday afternoon, after my last class for the week, I'll travel back home by bus, accompanied by my friend or alone. Mostly, I need to travel alone because there's no one that I knew, would want to go home on every weekends like me. Hahahaha....

3. Accept someone for who they're. I learned to accept my friends and roommates for who they are. I learned to be tolerable and understand the meaning of 'give and take'. I realized that for being that, we can actually solve a conflict easily with less quarrels and misunderstands. I say 'less' because sometimes things went beyond our limits, whereby human have the tendency to get pissed off on small matters, mood swings etc.

4. Time management! I learned to schedule my time properly. Although in college, subjects taken for every semester is much more lesser as compared to SPM, but there are a lot of projects, assignments, presentations, quizzes and tests, online quizzes etc that I need to face. I'm not sure with other universities, but I believe the system in every universities are quite similar. So, I need to be aware with all the due dates and keep on track with the schedule so that I won't be left out or I need to do it on the last minute.

5. It is about time for me to be away with my family a little while. I must admit it, this part will always be the worst and hardest part of all. Truthfully, I still cannot deal with it very well yet, hahahah...But I'm much better to deal with it now compared to before. It's not that I couldn't reach to them at all. I can still contact with my family members through whatsapp and calls. I even phoned my mum every morning before class if I managed to, if not, I'll call her in the evening. Now I know the 'hikmah' that Allah SWT didn't give me the 'rezeki' of getting a scholarship to study abroad. If not, I must say that I might even get a plane back to Malaysia, and never return. Hahahaha, yet Allah is the Best Planner of all.

6. Friends are like family. When I'm away from my family, I do realized that being in a place where there's none of my family members in front of me, friends are like my family. I can actually feel the strong bonds between friends that are sincere to be friends with me, when I'm living with them, under the same roof. My close friends are the ones that I'm up to whenever I feel happy or even sad.

There are more challenges ahead, for sure. Degree life will be much tougher, I know. All I can do is just pray and put an effort in everything that are coming next. Last word, let us all be grateful for all the things that Allah has granted us with. It is a reminder for me as well :) Adios!

